Financial Service
Protect Investors and Traders from Market Distortions and Hype Driven by Deepfakes

In an era where data drives decisions, deepfakes pose a burgeoning threat to the integrity of financial markets.

Deepfake: An Inevitable Threat

Sophisticated AI-generated content can artfully manipulate perceptions, leading to skewed investments and market volatilities. No entity is immune to this pervasive threat, necessitating a specialized defense.

"We call for action against who spread of mis and disinformation on the Internet..."

António Guterres

UN Secretary General, Feb 7th, 2023

"I'm particularly worried that these models could be used for large-scale disinformation..."

Sam Altman

OpenAI CEO, March 15th, 2023


Partner with us to ensure the authenticity of information and fortify your investment strategies against the deceptive prowess of deepfakes.


Risk & Compliance

Market News Verification
Reputation Protection
Market Sentiment Analysis
Fraudulent Investment Scheme Detection
Emergent Stories Spread Monitoring
Claim Verification
Portfolio Health Monitoring
Loan & Credit Application Verification
Due Diligence Support
Regulatory Data Integrity Assurance
Market Manipulation Instigator Discovery
Agent & Partner Vetting
Genuine Sectoral Insights
Investor Communication Authenticity


Customized Pricing

Our Platform is Tailored to be That Crucial Shield You Need

Begin with a pilot, expand at your pace, and opt for a flexible subscription model.

  • Quick Setup
  • Seamless Integration
  • SaaS, API, Web App Access
  • Custom Analytics
  • Custom Data Source
  • Custom Dashboard
  • Co-building & Scaling
  • Continuous Optimization

Connect to the data you need