Buster.Ai Platform

Empower decisions with real-time information authentication and analysis

#1 Worldwide
FEVEROUS 2021 & CLEF 2020

Explainable Fact-Checking

Ensuring every piece of information stands robustly vetted and clearly interpreted.

Easily Input Any Statement

Input any statement using natural language into our intuitive platform for speedy claim verification.

Semantic Search

Our AI conducts semantic analysis across 300,000+ trustworthy data sources.

Statement Verification

Our AI evaluates content from every source, determining its stance - either supporting or challenging the statement - and consolidates insights from both perspectives.

Information Analysis

Our AI rapidly assesses, processes, and analyzes claims, shielding organizations from the perils of misinformation.

Behaviorial Signals

Integrate polarity, toxicity, and emotion analysis to discern the sentiment embedded within the text.

Raw Text to Intel

Raw text undergoes processing, resulting in annotated text that emphasizes potential threats contained within.

Source Tracing

Detect claims within the text, trace their origins, and validate the trustworthiness of the sources.

Award-Winning Technology

We have been participating in competitions and winning awards for our research work.

1st Place CLEF 2020

Insights and Recommendations to Improve Fact-Checking.

1st Place FEVEROUS 2021

FABULOUS : Fact-checking Based on Understanding of Language Over Unstructured And Structured information.

Connect to the data you need